Selasa, 21 Julai 2009

to my dearest

salam.. dearest ones..this might be my last words. sorry, if they're sharper than swords.. my luv n my pray stay with u all.. coz they stand as bricks of wall..forgiveness i seek for all my mistakes..nobody's perfect,,i'm not neglect..find me when u can.. spare the rememberance..those time we spend.. think of me and there i'll be.. for once, try to be and look the matters around u with my eyes.. solve them with mysolutions n creat yourselves with my them together, then u'll know and understand me better.. those tears were meant to those i love and i care, without me u just beware..hear me cry, coz i'm saying one word : gudbye..

catatan anak2 tercinta

hehe...mak,sy rasa sy xleh xcntc mak dalam sehari! mcm dlm plkn dlu, sy xnk pulangkan hp.. mcm len sy rse! dlm 1 hari, msti sy cntc mak gak.. tp x mcm slalu! mgkn skjp sja..kalo skrg, pg smpi ke mlm sy cntc mak! Haha.. mmg sy xnk menyesal xnk ulng sume kslapn sy sblm ni! - 0138747860, 4 may,2008, 08:57:57

slmt hari ibu mak..! I luv u so much! mdh2an mak dimurahkan rzki n mndpt anak2 yg soleh n solehah, insya ALLAH.. Mak adalah sorg ibu yg sgt2 superwoman! he.. xda ibu yg sma mcm mak.. Luv u mak..=) - 0198004703, 10 may,2008, 00:02:47

salam. sy sayang mak. moga umur mak dipanjangkan lg oleh Allah s.w.t. n ditmptkn
di glgn orgt2 yg b'iman n b'amal soleh. tiada ibu yg s'tndg mak, maklah segala2nya bg kami. love u so much mak. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR MY GREAT MOTHER!!!>:)- 0148541677, 4 aug, 2008, 10:18:55